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A fascinating look at the viability of modern monarchies and the value of Royalty and its' role in global political systems.

Before Romeo and Juliet, there was another pair of star-crossed lovers whose affair ended in tragedy but whose love story has been immortalised in literature and art. Inês de Castro was a 14th-century Castilian lady in waiting at the Portuguese court when she and Dom Pedro, the heir to the Portuguese throne, fell deeply in love. Their affair threatened to destabilise relations between Castile and Portugal, so King Afonso arranged to have her assassinated. When Dom Pedro became King, he disclosed that he and Inês had been secretly married and that she was his rightful Queen. Legend tells that he had her remains exhumed, seated on the throne, and crowned. Whether this legend is grounded in reality or not, Inês was reburied at the Monastery of Alcobaça, where she and King Pedro lie facing each other in matching tombs.

She has had the same hairdo for fifty years, but Queen Fabiola of Belgium has nevertheless moved with the times. From her childhood as a Spanish aristocrat during wartime to her experiences as a nurse to her marriage to the King of the Belgians to her long widowhood, her warmth, strength of character, and interest in her fellow human beings have ensured that she has become one of the most memorable and beloved Queens of the 20th century.

If you've ever wondered what to wear, say, or do when you're in the presence of royalty, this article has the answers. From the correct way to respond to a royal invitation to the appropriate way to dress for the occasion to the secrets of the perfect bow or curtsey to the accepted form of address and the order of precedence, all the information you need to know is to be found here.

Queen Amelia of Portugal

Queen Amelia of Portugal, a French princess born in exile in England, married the heir to the Portuguese throne, a throne that became increasingly precarious during her husband's reign. She tried to find a meaningful role as Queen but was constantly attacked by the republican press. Her husband and eldest son were assassinated in front of her, and when her younger son was deposed after a short reign, she left Portugal, the country she had come to deeply love, and ended her life as she had begun it - in exile.

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